Miscellaneous Counselling and Paychotherapy Information
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...For many more testimonials visit our counselling testimonials page.

This section is dedicated to everything and anything that does not fall under the other Menu headings. Currently it has six topic headings:

As this site grows and changes we have no doubt that the list will get longer but at the moment it is enough to be getting on with.

Sadly, writing the material for a website and maintaining it is a time consuming task and therefore not all pages are available. Please bear with us if what you were looking for is absent and if urgent please contact us and we will do our best to remedy the situation. Otherwise please look around and visit us again.

This section is dedicated to bringing you news concerning Therapy in general and this site. It is divided up into four sections.

This section contains copyright and disclaimer notices. Please read this information and contact us concerning any breach of copyright you feel we have inadvertently made of if you wish to use any of the material on this site.

Here we hope to provide links to sites that may be of use to our clients and visitors. If you wish for a link to your site or a site that you like to be placed here, please contact us.

This area is dedicated to the writings of others that inspire, entertain and educate us. It is dedicated to our favourite quotes. Anyone can submit a quote that they like or feel has some meaning to them. If you like a particular quote and would like it listed here please contact us and supply the full quote and its author and perhaps even why it particularly speaks to you.

There are countless books on the subjects of Therapy, and Personal and Spiritual development. Here we hope to offer some reviews of books we have read and how we feel about them and how useful they may be. Anyone can offer a review or comment. All reviews and comments are the opinions of those that made them and are in no way offered as ‘truth’ or as the opinions of the site management or owner.

This is a short Glossary or Dictionary to offer definition for some of the words, terms and Phrases used on this site.

This irreverent title hides what we hope will become a wealth of information and ideas contributed in the form of a written work. There are no limits, maximum or minimum, to what can be submitted nor are we looking for the perfect ‘academic’ piece. What we would like are reasonably cohesive works that either inform or inspire the reader. You do not need to be the author to submit a piece of work; however, we will need to know its origin so that we can gain permission to post it. Copyright © remains with the author of the works, however in submitting the work you give permission, if need be, for the work to be edited by site admin. Site Admin also reserves the right to refuse submitted work or to remove work without notice or reason.

The work submitted to this section of ‘Scribblings’ falls outside the remit of the two ‘Scribblings’ sections within ‘About Therapy’ and ‘Self Development’.

This section is for anything else that turns up that we feel needs or deserves a place on this site.