Personal and Professional Development
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Effective Therapy offers the individual the opportunity for Personal Development beyond mere solutions to specific issues. It is generally the goal of Therapy to create lasting change in a client so that not only are they equipped to deal with whatever personal issue or concern is currently troubling them, but also to enable them to grow beyond the causation behind their issues and concerns. It is therefore natural for a site dedicated to Therapy to offer help and encouragement in furthering individual Personal and Professional Development.

In this section we hope to focus on ‘all’ things developmental; including Personal Issues, styles of working, common mistakes and pitfalls, courses, books and much more besides. Obviously, it is not possible to completely encompass such a wide and diverse subject, nor are we likely even to achieve our modest goals in the short term, therefore please consider this section specifically, as is this site in general, ‘a work in progress’.

If you feel that you have any recommendations or contributions to make concerning, courses, books, ideas etc. please feel free to offer them as any and all help will be gratefully received.

Also, any feedback of any type concerning this site and its contents, Therapy or our Therapists will always be gratefully received.

Psychological Issues
It is often remarked that ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. And it is generally necessity that brings people to Therapy or inspires their interest in Personal and Professional Development. We have therefore decided to begin with a rather sobering look at common issues that affect people and their lives and their possible causes, wider reaching effects and what can be done to grow beyond them.

By no means is this an exhaustive list, nor is it an attempt to offer diagnosis but rather an opportunity for you to investigate how your past is expressed and manifested in your present. We also hope to help people to realise that they are not alone, that there is help to be had, that one can grow beyond these issues and that it is causational and ‘normal’ to feel and think as they do.

Personal Therapy
Here we discuss in brief what Personal Therapy has to offer the individual looking for help with their issues and facilitation for their Personal Development.

Training and Workshops
Training is the offering of knowledge and understanding through the use of a trainer who makes themselves and their knowledge, experience and understandings the subject of the training. To improve efficacy of training an experienced trainer will often directly involve the trainees in their own training utilising individual and group experience and examples to reinforce what is being offered.

Workshops are a further development in using the trainees as part of the training such that not only does a trainer offer themselves, and their knowledge, experience and understandings as subject but also enriches the experience by utilising exercises that allow attendees to bring their own material, experiences, knowledge and understanding and integrating this additional material into the subject of the training.

Different learning styles suite different types of training and workshops and there are many different types of training and workshops to choose from. However, before undertaking a course of training or attending workshops it is probably helpful to discover what will be of most use to you at this current juncture in your personal development. Here we discuss different types of training, their uses, efficacy and what you might gain from them.

Group Work
Unlike Training or Workshops which is done in groups or ‘one to one’ and is designed to offer a specific subject in the form of the Trainer’s knowledge, experience and understandings; Group work is completely different. Group Work offers no obvious specific subject but rather utilises the individuals within the group and their own personal ways of being combined with the reactions, understandings and relationships between the group members as the subject material. The group members are both subject and object of the group work and as such what is offered is unquantifiable and somewhat unpredictable but also completely unique to each group and cannot be attained in any other way. Group work is often intense, difficult and very demanding but also has much to offer those willing to engage in the process. Groups Work is often facilitated by a trained professional to help keep the group on track, mediate disputes, prevent bullying, and administer the group; however, sometimes groups are completely autonomous and self regulating without a facilitator.

Independent Work and Growth
There are many developmental routes that an individual can undertake with the minimum of supervision or outside influence and it is recommended that those interested do so. However, there are also many pitfalls and therefore independent work at some juncture needs to involve an objective’ observer or mentor to help prevent individuals straying too far or disappearing into their own ego delusions. Such work can include reading, meditation, prayer, ritual, etc.

This irreverent title hides what we hope will become a wealth of information and ideas contributed in the form of a written work. There are no limits, maximum or minimum, to what can be submitted nor are we looking for the perfect ‘academic’ piece. What we would like are reasonably cohesive works that either inform or inspire the reader. You do not need to be the author to submit a piece of work; however, we will need to know its origin so that we can gain permission to post it. Copyright © remains with the author of the works, however in submitting the work you give permission, if need be, for the work to be edited by site admin. Site Admin also reserves the right to refuse submitted work or to remove work without notice or reason.

The work submitted to this section of ‘Scribblings’ generally concerns the subject of ‘Self Development’.