The purpose of this section is to provide the ‘layperson’, client or interested party sufficient information with respect to Counselling and Psychotherapy to be able to make an informed decision with respect to their own Therapeutic needs and how to get them met. With over 250 Therapeutic modalities, approaches and techniques to choose from we cannot hope to furnish you with information concerning each one. Therefore what we aim to do is help to enable you to discern what might be an appropriate Therapeutic approach for you , but more importantly enable you to be able to discern an effective, helpful and useful therapist from all those that ‘pretend’ to be such.
Choosing a Therapist
Here we hope to help you separate the wheat from the chaff; to understand the significant factors that determine the efficacy and outcomes of Therapy and therefore what to look for in an effective and useful Therapist.
Qualifications and Accreditition
All things not being equal, it is difficult these days to determine what qualifications are appropriate and relevant for a therapist. Many therapists mention in passing degrees and PhDs. That they had attained without including the subject read. It is important to know what qualifications people have and their relevance to Therapy. Most Therapists become Therapists as a second career later in life and therefore although a more rounded experience of work and life is desirable; qualifications that do not directly relate to Therapy are not relevant.
Theory and Practice
In this section we will outline the elements that are common to most therapies as applied within the Therapy room.
Humanistic Therapies
These pages are dedicated to Humanistic Therapies which are generally referred to as Counselling, (but on this site will be referred to as Therapy unless there is a need to do otherwise). These Therapies were mostly developed by individuals who studied Psychotherapeutic Therapies first and later became either disaffected or decided to use a different construct to encapsulate new ideas and perhaps focus on Therapy from a different theoretical position giving significance to something new or different. There Therapies are what some might call ‘Modern’. However, Modern or traditional, both are valid and it is for the client to decide which best fits their frame of reference.
Psychoanalytic Therapies
Under this heading we have included those Therapies that developed from or can be directly traced bat to having been influenced by Psychoanalysis. These therapies are those that many might perceive as ‘traditional’ and include, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychodynamics and other Therapeutic models offered by Therapists including Jung, Klein, Winnicott and others.
Other Therapies
Under this heading we have grouped all those therapies that are Cognitive, behavioural, solution focuses, or do not fall under the other two headings.
Alternative therapies
Here rather than attempt to go through the huge quantity of alternative therapies available; what we have aimed to do is offer two pages, the first concerning what to avoid and the other what is helpful. In reality, much of what is helpful in Alternative therapy comes down to what the client ‘believes’ will help them and later the ability of the practitioner. That is not to dismiss the effects of such therapies as what some people might disparagingly call ‘Psychosomatic’ but rather to acknowledge the very real connection between mind, (Psyche), and body, (Soma) and the effects that each has on the other. Anyone that uses the term ‘psychosomatic’ to dismiss conditions such as Hypochondria, stress related disorders, and other very real issues and concerns has come up short on their training and understanding of what it is to be human.
This irreverent title hides what we hope will become a wealth of information and ideas contributed in the form of a written work. There are no limits, maximum or minimum, to what can be submitted nor are we looking for the perfect ‘academic’ piece. What we would like are reasonably cohesive works that either inform or inspire the reader. You do not need to be the author to submit a piece of work; however, we will need to know its origin so that we can gain permission to post it. Copyright © remains with the author of the works, however in submitting the work you give permission, if need be, for the work to be edited by site admin. Site Admin also reserves the right to refuse submitted work or to remove work without notice or reason.
The work submitted to this section of ‘Scribblings’ will generally be concerned with the subject of ‘Therapy’.